Beauty Works Pearl Nourishing Smoothing Trio
  • Containing three nourishing products, the Beauty Works trio helps you to realise a smoother, more lustrous main. A mask, shampoo and conditioner allow you to revitalise your haircare routine with the powers of argan oil, moisturising your strands for a silkier look and feel. Detangling and fortifying, your hair will appear healthier with a more put-together finish. The Set Contains: Pearl Nourishing Argan Oil Mask Rejuvenate hair with a treatment formulated to restructure and restore healthy-looking locks from root to tip. Suitable for all hair types, the innovative mask is enriched with organic Argan oil, milk protein and keratin to penetrate the hair and boost moisture for silky soft locks. Experience smooth, manageable hair with ultimate shine. Pearl Nourishing Argan Shampoo The luxurious liquid gently removes excess oil, dirt and impurities from your hair and scalp, whilst adding luminous shine to leave hair vibrant and healthy-looking without weighing it down. Specially formulated with organic Argan oil, milk protein and keratin to penetrate deeply into the hair shaft to maintain moisture levels. Suitable for maintaining healthy hair extensions, the shampoo will leave locks silky soft and full of volume. Pearl Nourishing Argan Oil Conditioner Treat your hair to a revitalising blend that works to expertly nourish, repair and detangle your locks. Suitable for all hair types, the conditioner combines organic argan oil with milk protein to smoothen, moisturise and replenish every strand. Expect healthy looking hair with mirror-like shine. Packaging may vary
3 526₽

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